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Transnational Meeting 5: University of Applied Sciences, Hoschule Emden-Leer, Germany

Transnational Meeting: October 2022


University of Applied Sciences, Hoschule Emden-Leer, Germany.

Attendees at the Transnational Meeting held in Germany in October 2022

The REVAMP team participated in the penultimate two-day transnational meeting.

The meeting was held on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October 2022. All partners participated through physical or virtual attendance.   

Aims of the meeting:

The team had a full agenda and worked through both days to achieve our project meeting aims.


Thursday 20th October 2022

09.00-09.15Registration Welcome: Prof. Jutta Lindberg
09.15-10.00Welcome to REVAMP Transnational Meeting
Action Log
10:00-10:15Aims of the meeting
10:15-10:35REVAMP progress report
10.55-13.00  Child Module (Building blocks versus Content Child Module)
13.00-13.30Team photo and lunch
13:30-15:00Museum Visit
16:00-16.30Present Child Videos and develop questions for Health Care Professionals
16:30-17:00Develop and finalise end of REAMP training message for learners
17.00-18.00  IP 5 review and finalise Evaluation Unit
18.00Evaluation of the day Close

Friday 21st October 2022

09:30-10:00Registration & Welcome
10:00-10:30Presentation of the Adult Module
10:30-11:30    Adult Module
11:50-13:00Adult Module
14:00-15:30Develop and Confirm format for the Launch Event in Greece
15:30-16:00Evaluation of the Meeting

Acculturation Activities:

The REVAMP team chose to share some activities together after the meetings including an evening meal, and a visit to a local museum.

Evaluation of the meeting:

A word cloud was used to represent an overall evaluation of the meeting – partner comments included:

Certificate of Attendance:

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