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What is REVAMP?

REVAMP is an innovative training programme that has been specifically developed by partners across seven European countries to meet the needs of medical and healthcare professionals in recognising and responding to victims of intimate partner violence and abuse (IPVA) / domestic violence and abuse (DVA) at the point of entry into healthcare.

What is the purpose of REVAMP?

The purpose of the REVAMP training is to help medical and healthcare providers become more confident about asking whether clients have experienced violence or abuse at any point in their lives, and in providing support and signposting following disclosure of such experiences. The expectation is that, if they don’t already, staff who undertake assessments will begin ‘asking the question’ following the training, and know what agencies are available in their country that can provide ongoing support.

Who can access the REVAMP training?

The REVAMP training has been developed for medical and healthcare practitioners who provide ‘face to face’ care or online care to clients or service users. Anyone can access the training, but medical and healthcare practitioners may find the training most beneficial to them.

How many modules are assessed?

Each module has a series of assessments to test your knowledge. The training has used a variety of approaches to assessment, to enhance the online learning experience. Examples may include podcasts, scenarios drawn from real life, role play observations, quizzes, tick box exercises and multi-choice questions. All your responses throughout the modules will be saved as you progress through the training so you can return to the training at any convenient time. You may choose to repeat any modules as often as you like.

What is the cost of REVAMP training?

There is no cost to this training.

Why are there several European countries involved in the training?

The REVAMP project represents an original approach of joining forces across Europe to deliver this training to all medical and healthcare providers. This project has been developed transnationally by partners across Europe including France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and the UK. The REVAMP team consists of professionals including medical doctors, nurses, midwives, psychologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, healthcare assistants and social workers.

What will I learn from the REVAMP training?

You will have a better understanding of the legal position related to domestic violence and abuse / intimate partner violence and abuse in your country. you will learn about the physical, cognitive, emotional and social impact of domestic violence and abuse / intimate partner violence and be better placed to recognise and respond to those experiences. You will have developed and enhanced your communication skills to be able to sensitively ask a potential victim/survivor about what may be happening and develop appropriate responses to this information. You will also be able to access appropriate domestic violence and abuse / intimate partner violence and abuse services in your country and signpost an individual to these services.

How many modules are available in the REVAMP training?

There are 5 modules available in the REVAMP training:

Do I have to study the modules in a specific order?

You can study the modules in any order you wish. However, you must complete the orientation at the start and the evaluation at the end.

How long will it take me to complete the training?

We each learn at different rates so the time it takes you to complete the five modules is individual. There are taught sections and areas of self-directed learning.

Do I have to complete the training in one go?

The training does not need to be completed in one go. You will be able to save your answers and return to the training whenever you wish to.

What is the academic value of REVAMP?

On successful completion of the units and modules, you will be able to download your ‘Certificate of Achievement’. This will confirm that you have successfully studied at level 7, undertaking the equivalent of 10 hours of study.

What happens if I do not complete the training?

If you do not complete the units and modules you will not be awarded a ‘Certificate of Achievement’.

Do I have to take part?

REVAMP training is voluntary, so it is up to you to decide if you wish to participate. You do not have to take part unless you have been instructed to do so by your employer/manager. You may choose to complete the training however, as Continuing Professional Development and/or to enhance your knowledge and skills.

What are the possible benefits of completing the training?

As a medical and healthcare professional, you are likely to encounter clients who have, or are currently experiencing domestic violence and abuse, also referred to as intimate partner violence and abuse. This can significantly affect the mental and physical wellbeing of an individual. As medical and healthcare practitioners, we are in an ideal position to talk to a client or service user about their experiences and signpost them onto a support agency within our community. The REVAMP training provides you, the medical and healthcare professional, with many opportunities to understand abuse and violence in this context, to gain knowledge, to observe appropriate interpersonal skills and to enhance your professional practice in recognizing and then supporting clients in practice.

What if I feel upset by the training?

If you feel distressed by engaging in this training, please seek help. You can find a list of agencies that provide support on the REVAMP platform under the Resources tab. You may also wish to seek support from your Occupational Health Department at your place of work.

What happens to my information?

Please read the Data Protection (DPO) Notice located in the ‘e-learning’ section of the REVAMP platform.

What will happen to the overall results from the REVAMP project/training?

The results of the training will be included in a report for the funders of the project and may be used in publications. All data will be anonymized for publication.

Who is funding this project/training?

The training has been developed by a consortium of partners and as a funded project. Erasmus + is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. The Erasmus+ UK National Agency is a partnership between the British Council and Ecorys UK.

Who should I contact for further information?

If you would like to contact a member of the REVAMP team, the name and email of your country project lead can be found under the ‘Strategic Partners’ tab of the REVAMP Platform.

What languages is the REVAMP training available in?

The REVAMP training is fully accessible in a range of languages: English, Greek, Lithuanian, Icelandic, German, French and Norwegian.

Can I withdraw from the training?

Participants can withdraw from the online training at any point. However, you will not be able to withdraw any data provided during or after completion of the training as it is collected in an anonymised format.

How will I be informed of my results?

You will be provided with a pass or fail mark on completion of each assessment. When you have completed the training, you will be awarded with a certificate of achievement if you pass all assessments across the modules and complete the orientation and evaluation units.

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