Recognition and Education in Violence, Abuse and Neglect for Medical and Healthcare Practitioners [REVAMP] is an innovative, trans European project that was launched in September 2019.
The REVAMP project tackles the under resourced and underdeveloped area of recognising and responding to victims of intimate partner violence and abuse (IPVA) / domestic violence and abuse (DVA) at the point of entry into healthcare. The project aims to offer substantial innovation, based on directly improving the health outcomes of victims of violence across their life course through increased recognition by medical and healthcare practitioners.
It consists of online and engaging training that has been developed for medical and healthcare practitioners to enhance their recognition of and understanding of IPVA/DVA. The practitioner can then use this knowledge to respond appropriately to the service user who is experiencing IPVA/DVA.
To support practitioners in responding to an individual experiencing IPVA/DVA, the REVAMP website has provided a list of contact details for national support agencies for children and young people, adults, and the older person in each of the REVAMP partner countries: France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Lithuania, Norway and the United Kingdom.