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Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The largest University of the country with 10 faculties, 49 departments, 42.000 “active” students and  2.300 academic staff members. Research is developed in all fields of theoretical and applied science by all the schools and laboratories of A.U.TH. It’s worth mentioning that A.U.Th., in the last three-year-period, has collaborated with 1.700 partners (Universities, Research Centres, Companies) for the implementation of 3.500 Research and Technological Development RTD Projects. 1.340 members of the teaching and research staff, 12.000 external co-operators as well as many postgraduate students have participated in these projects. The overall budget of these projects has risen to 150 million euros.  

The Research Committee carries out projects in all scientific/research areas:

During the last three years it has managed over 146.627.000 Euro coming from externally funded research projects. The annual turnover of the Research Committee is 46.920.000 Euro. 

The Department of Developmental and School Psychology belongs to the School of Psychology of AUTH and addresses all issues relevant to children and families, both at an academic as well as at a research/application level, with particular interest in personal development, family-school relations, education-work transitions, generational change and childhood and youth cultures.    

The Department has long established links with non-university educational agencies in the community, family organizations as well as other agencies who are involved directly or indirectly with children and families.  Some representative examples are the cooperation with the Association for Protection of Minors (offering psychosocial and legal support), the establishment of research collaborations with centres for prevention of dangerous behaviours in youth and the collaboration with centres and agencies supporting women and children victims of domestic violence.  Recently, a Laboratory of Applied Psychology has been established in the School, with a sub-section for the Child in the Family, the School and the Society, aiming  at promoting  actions which will improve children, youth and family functioning through the strengthening of ties among  scientific, professional and community resources. 

Staff members of the Department have recently contributed in training and supervising mental health professionals working in the Counselling Centres for Women Victims of Domestic Violence of the General Secretariat of Gender Equality.  

Vasiliki Deliyanni-Kouimtzi 

Professor Emeritus of the School of Psychology, AUTH 

She specializes in Sociology of Education. She teaches and researches in the fields of gender, feminist psychology, education, childhood and youth. She has participated in and directed a considerable number of national and European projects (among which UNARS, 2013-2015) and is highly experienced in working in international groups. She is fluent in Greek, English, German and French. Experience profile: specific thematic knowledge; pedagogic expertise; intercultural and linguistic competence; management and administrative expertise 

Christina Athanasiades 

Associate Professor of Counselling Psychology of the School of Psychology, AUTH 

Her research and teaching areas cover feminist psychology and counselling psychology with particular reference to young women’s transitions from schooling to employment. In this context she has developed gender-sensitive teaching materials for the training of psychologists and youth counsellors. She has also worked as counseling supervisor of psychologists working in the Centers for Women Victims of Domestic Violence. She is fluent in Greek and English. Experience profile: specific thematic knowledge; pedagogic expertise; intercultural and linguistic competence. 

Maria Papathanasiou 

PhD, Clinical Psychologist 

She is working as psychologist in private practice and as researcher in the School of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her writings and research are focusing on women and addiction, women and abuse, family violence, women and mental health, violence and youth, youth transitions, feminist counselling, professional burnout. 

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