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Transnational Meeting 1: Keele University, UK

Transnational Meeting: November 2019


Keele University (UK) 

Attendees at the Transnational Meeting held at Keele in November 2019

The first transnational meeting was held at Keele University on 25th and 26th November 2019.  

Aims of the meeting:


Monday 25th November 2019 

Time Activity 
09.15-09.45 Registration and Welcome: Professor Pat Owen, Head of School, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Keele University.   
09.45-10.15 Introduction to the REVAMP Project:  Professor June Keeling 
10.15-10.30 Comfort break 
10.30-12.00 Individual presentations by REVAMP partners: experience of university in international projects, cooperation with EU, contribution to project   
12.00-12.30 Official REVAMP team photograph   
12.30-13.30 Lunch 
13.30-14.45 Individual presentations by REVAMP partners: experience of university in international projects, cooperation with EU, contribution to project   
14.45-15.15 What Governance procedures need to be in place and how will they be managed?  Nominate a Chair for the quality control committee. Agree on the function and reporting of the quality mechanisms. 
15.15-15.30 Comfort break 
15.30-15.45 REVAMP Website presentation 
15.45-17.15 Administrative aspects of the project: Project Administrator   Financial aspects (participation costs, travel costs, administration fee) Promotion strategy (project web site, flyers and brochures, conferences, papers, logo, social media strategy) Translation of REVAMP Project Timetable Discuss and agree process for raising concerns  Inter-institutional agreement Dissemination and Impact Strategy   Discuss and agree communication stratgey between partners     

Tuesday 26th November 2019 

Time Activity 
09.30-09.45 Registration and Welcome    
09.45-11.15   Group discussion, design and development of Intellectual Outputs to ensure consistency. Tasks and responsibilities of each partner.   Output 1: REVAMP Platform  Output 2 (Module 1): Orientation to platform (user guide) Output 3 (Module 2): Child abuse Output 4 (Module 3): Adult Output 5 (Module 4): Older person Output 6 (Module 5): Assessment Output 7: Transnational support for victims of IPVA Output 8: Handbook 
11.15-11.30 Comfort break   
11.30-12.45 Working session 1: Developing the Intellectual Output.   Output 2 (Module 1)   Output 4 (Module 3/ Adult)   Output 5 (Module 4/Older person   Output 6 (Module 5/ Assessment)     
12.45-13.45  Lunch   
13.45-15.00 Working session 2: Developing the Intellectual Output.   Output 8 (Handbook)   Output 3 (Module 2/ Child abuse) Output 7 (Transnational support for victims of IPVA)   
15.00-15.30 A focus on the implementation of the project  Agree on project logo Planning ahead: objectives and progress goals to be met for next meeting.  Agree date of meeting in Iceland Any questions?  Evaluation of day 2   

Certificate of Attendance:

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